Petitions for our board of directors' election are now available! Deadline to apply is March 19. Learn more about this opportunity.
Have an artist in your home? Encourage them to send in their masterpiece to be featured in the Cooperative Calendar of Student Art!
This student art contest is like no other student exhibition because the winning works are published in a wall calendar. The Cooperative Calendar goes to thousands of electric cooperative members across the state.
The contest is open to kindergarten through 12th-grade students in Indiana, with a winner chosen in each grade level. Each winner will receive a cash prize as well as his/her drawing published in the Cooperative Calendar of Student Art. Additional artists will earn honorable mention, receiving a cash prize and having their artwork printed in a special section of the calendar.
In past years, the contest has brought additional recognition through local and regional media coverage, even commissions, to some of our winning artists. The contest has increased self-esteem for students, created excitement and generated praise from art teachers, classroom teachers, school administrators and homeschoolers.
For more information, please call our office at 800-933-7362 or email